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Teraz możesz podzielić się ręcznikami najwyższej jakości od Nefretete z kimś na kim zależy Ci szczególnie. Na życzenie naszych klientów wprowadzamy usługę pakowania ręczników w pudełko prezentowe które udekorujemy ozdobną wstążką.
Do pudełka mieszczą się następujące kombinacje kompletów:
70×130/140 (1szt) + 50×90/100 (2szt)
70×130/140 (1szt)+ 50×90/100 (1szt) + 40×60 (1szt)
90×160 (1szt) + 50×90/100 (1szt)
70×130/140 (2szt)
Wysyłka: Twoją przesyłkę przygotujemy w 24 godziny
Darmowa dostawa do 18/06/2023
How to choose a good towel and do not fail to meet expectations? The price is almost on the first place. But is it a good criterion for making a good decision? Of course, the price can tell you a lot what you can get in return, but remember it is not always the rule. Thus, let me just ignore the price because bearing only this in mind you may be disappointed.
The weight of a towel is measured by the GSM (Grams per Square Metre). It defines weaving density per inch. The higher surface density, the thicker the towel is. I should also say, the thicker the heavier, but it does not work that way. There are techniques for weaving that do not influence on the weight of the towel.
That is why it is a very important parameter which should be taken into account while choosing the product. On the supermarkets’ shelves we can find the towels which surface density begins at 350 gsm and goes up to 500 gsm. Certainly, we should not pay attention to the first ones at all. That is because it is so thin that you can easily watch your favourite movie on TV through it. So it cannot look good and what is more its water absorption is extremely poor. Thus, surface density should begin at 550 gsm and go upwards. So that, Nefretete towels do not go below this density. In the USA, towels’ surface density reaches 900 gsm, in Poland – 800 gsm.
What is high surface density for? First of all, it gives better water absorption. Secondly, it guarantees a long lifespan. And finally, its visual aspect. They look elegant, especially those made of Egyptian cotton which glitter in the light, what makes your bathroom inimitable. Remember to hang the towel out after using it to let it dry quickly, thicker towels always need more time to do this.
There is a wide range of towels of different materials on the market. Sports towels and swimming pool towels, e.g. are made of microfiber. However, we are going to focus on the bath towels. Here, we most often meet cotton, but in our offer we have also got bamboo fibre, modal and innovative wool additives. Only in this case, low per cent of additives give a fantastic effect.
Of course, the best and most valued cotton in the world is Egyptian cotton, but only when it is certified with the Egyptian Cotton Association logo. Its main feature is long fibres, elegant gloss and softness. We use it to produce high surface density towels which we recommend for more spacious bathrooms.
Our towels with bamboo fibre, modal or wool additives dry much faster. In addition, the last ones despite high surface density are much lighter and we recommend them for less spacious bathrooms.
There are usually three sizes of towels in our offer. They are 50×90 cm, 70×130 cm and 90×160 cm. Those which are more expensive to produce are only available in two sizes – 50×90 and 70×130.
50×90 – to ręczniki małe, które służą głównie do wycierania rąk. Kobiety często używają ich do zawijania włosów po myciu. Osoby o niedużych rozmiarach mogą spokojnie wytrzeć całe ciało tym ręcznikiem w tym rozmiarze. Nasze ręczniki bardzo dobrze chłoną wodę, będzie to idealne rozwiązanie jeśli jesteśmy w szybkiej podróży i mamy mały bagaż.
70×130 – standardowy ręcznik kąpielowy do wytarcia całego ciała po kąpieli.
90×160 – dla osób o większych gabarytach, może też być stosowany na basenie czy plaży. Ten rozmiar spokojnie pozwoli nam na leniwe wygrzewanie się w promieniach słońca.
Nefretete offers a wide range of fashionable colours to decorate the interior of your bathrooms. We use technology called “Always New Dyeing Process” to dye our towels which guarantees a new look even after 50 washes.
Always read and follow the washing instructions on the label to enjoy the look of your towels.
Nowadays, it is very fashionable to choose the colour of the towels so that it contrasts with your ceramic tiles. And thus, for dark-coloured bathrooms choose bright towels and for bright-coloured – dark. It is also a good idea to add another accessories in similar colours so that they match to each other.
Most frequent questions we answered are how to use textiles and how to care for them to keep them fresh for a long time. We answer the most frequently asked questions and the crucial issues below.
The main issue is washing which should be done before the first use.
Why the towel should be washed before the first use?
The answer is very simple. The towel goes through a lot of production stages and so it goes through lots of hands. Moreover, invisible production waste like cotton dust or threads might be left. Thus, the towel should be washed for hygienic reasons according to the instructions on the label. Some labels contain the information “Wash 3 times separately before use”, that is because products made of poor-quality cotton need to be washed at least three times before use to absorb water better. Nefretete towels need to be washed only once because their water absorbency is high prior to the washing and they do not need any other stimuli to improve their qualities. Do not add any softeners when washing because doing this the absorption is getting worse. The towel may seem a bit stiff after washing but it is a temporary state that will quickly disappear after the first use.
How often the towels should to be washed?
Philip Terno, microbiologist and pathologist at New York University of Medicine, showed that if we are able to dry the towel completely between uses, after the third time it should be washed. It is also very important to dry our towels in a proper way. It should be hung out fully straightened without any wrinkles. If you put wet folded towel away, it will simply go musty. The only thing you could do then is to throw it away because you simply cannot get rid of unpleasant smell.
Towels’ dusting and how to deal with it
While using a towel, we can often observe the so-called “dusting”. This is a perfectly normal feature of cotton products. It can also be seen while wearing clothes, e.g. when you shake a sweater or a blouse out against the light, you can easily see flecks of dust floating in the air. And it works exactly the same with the towels. Especially dark colours can be seen on bright surfaces in the bathroom. However, after a few washes, the dusting effect will no longer be visible. Drying the towel in the tumble dryer can significantly speed up this process.
How often to change towels?
The highest rate of towels’ sales per individual is in the USA. Probably, it is because Americans follow the local microbiologists’ instructions and usually change their towels every three months on average. Great importance, it should be emphasized here, is how often we use the towel. 12 months is a maximum for frequent use. Not many people know how many bacterium, fungi, dribbles of saliva or excrement mass on the towels. Using the same towel for more than three years indicates more bacterium on our bodies than before having a shower. People who suffer from skin allergies or atopic dermatitis should pay great attention to it.
Bed linen
Both towels and bed linen should be washed before use.
Always read and follow the washing instructions on the label placed inside the duvet cover. It should be dried in a proper way by hanging out fully straightened without any wrinkles to get good air circulation. The product should be ironed before putting over a duvet.
Nefretete bed linen is a very high quality product crafted in a very dense weave which till now was unavailable on the Polish market. Therefore, we suggest having the washing and drying done by professionals, so the best option is to take it to the cleaner.
Egyptian Cotton Association – The Egyptian Cotton Association is an institution associating only reliable producers who use Egyptian yarn only from original and authorized sources for the production of their products. To obtain its certificate is extremely difficult but if you manage to fulfil all the requirements it means you belong to an elite group of the best textile manufactures in the world. A manufacturer who owns Egyptian Cotton Association Certificate is under a perpetual control of the products and this inspection is always a surprise. The manufacturer’s products are carefully tested in the laboratories which deal with testing of products’ DNA. This allows to eliminate dishonest players from the market and place them on the so-called ‘Blacklist’ which is available on the organization’s website. A lot of manufacturers describe their products as they are woven from Egyptian yarns, but only products with the original trademark of the organization which is registered, guarantee the authenticity of what they are woven from.
Thus, when you buy Nefretete products with this trademark, you may be sure they are all original.
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